Daily Archives: February 2, 2010




[log out – find out – knock out – hand out – drop out – let out – pull out – lock out – start out – let in – take out – put out – hand in – pass out – sneak out – lock in – ask in – bring up – hold up – break down – show up – look up – make up – turn down- put off]

1) The police are trying to ____ ____ the real criminal.
2) The criminal ____ Mrs Austen ____ before he took her money and ran away.
3) They ____ ____ his bad reputation to prevent people from voting for him.
4) The students are impatient waiting for the teacher to ____ them ____ the test papers.
5) Amine had to spend the night at a friend’s because his father ____ him ____ for getting home late.
6) The students have to ____ ____ their handouts before they leave the classroom.
7) It’s not necessary to ____ ____ all the words you don’t know in the dictionary.
8) When Leila learned that she failed her exam, she ____ ____.
9) The football match was ____ ____ because of the rain.
10) Catharine always ____ ____ a story whenever she returned home late to avoid her father’s anger.
11) When we got to the station we found that the train was already ____ ____.
12) My father has been waiting for his guests for two hours now and they haven’t ____ ____.
13) When the parents went to bed, Selma and her brother ____ ____ of their room and stole a piece of pizza from the kitchen.
14) Students shouldn’t ____ ____ of school to look for a job.
15) His grandfather’s car is new. It never ____ ____.
16) “You have to ____ ____ your test papers at the end of the hour.” The teacher told his students.
17) Julie ____ ____ a deep sigh of relief when she learned that she passed the exam.
18) When she consulted her e-mail, she ____ ____ and left the cyber net.
19) You should____ your dog ____ as there are many children playing near the garden.
20) My best friend knocked at the door; but when I ____ her ____ she said that she was busy.
21) Latifa was ____ ____ when she applied for a job at an international company because her English was terrible.
22) There was a big fire in the nearby forest. It took the firemen six hours to ____ it____.
23) Last Sunday night his fiancée asked him to ____ her ____ but he refused as he preferred to watch TV. 


1) find out
2) knocked Mrs. Austen out
3) brought up
4) hand them out
5) locked him out
6) hand in
7) look up
8) passed out
9) put off
10) made up
11) pulling out
12) shown up
13) sneaked out
14) drop out
15) breaks down
16) hand in
17) let out
18) logged out
19) lock your dog in
20) asked her in
21) turned down
22) put it out
23) take her out

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Posted by on February 2, 2010 in الثـــــانيـــة بكـــــالــــوريـــــا